Control and recalibration of path integration in place cells using optic flow
Manu S. Madhav, Ravikrishnan P. Jayakumar, Brian Y. Li, Shahin G. Lashkari, Kelly W. Wright, Francesco Savelli, James J. Knierim, Noah J. Cowan
Nature Neuroscience
Hippocampal place cells are influenced by both self-motion (idiothetic) signals and external sensory landmarks as an animal navigates its environment. To continuously update a position signal on an internal ‘cognitive map’, the hippocampal system integrates self-motion signals over time, a process that relies on a finely calibrated path integration gain that relates movement in physical space to movement on the cognitive map. It is unclear whether idiothetic cues alone, such as optic flow, exert sufficient influence on the cognitive map to enable recalibration of path integration, or if polarizing position information provided by landmarks is essential for this recalibration. Here, we demonstrate both recalibration of path integration gain and systematic control of place fields by pure optic flow information in freely moving rats. These findings demonstrate that the brain continuously rebalances the influence of conflicting idiothetic cues to fine-tune the neural dynamics of path integration, and that this recalibration process does not require a top-down, unambiguous position signal from landmarks.
Quantifying Extrinsic Curvature in Neural Manifolds
Francisco Acosta, Sophia Sanborn, Khanh Dao Duc, Manu Madhav, Nina Miolane
Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition
The neural manifold hypothesis postulates that the activity of a neural population forms a low-dimensional manifold whose structure reflects that of the encoded task variables. In this work, we combine topological deep generative models and extrinsic Riemannian geometry to introduce a novel approach for studying the structure of neural manifolds. This approach (i) computes an explicit parameterization of the manifolds and (ii) estimates their local extrinsic curvature--hence quantifying their shape within the neural state space. Importantly, we prove that our methodology is invariant with respect to transformations that do not bear meaningful neuroscience information, such as permutation of the order in which neurons are recorded. We show empirically that we correctly estimate the geometry of synthetic manifolds generated from smooth deformations of circles, spheres, and tori, using realistic noise levels. We additionally validate our methodology on simulated and real neural data, and show that we recover geometric structure known to exist in hippocampal place cells. We expect this approach to open new avenues of inquiry into geometric neural correlates of perception and behavior, while providing a new means to compare representations in biological and artificial neural systems.
Testing geometric representation hypotheses from simulated place cell recordings
Thibault Niederhauser, Adam Lester, Nina Miolane, Khanh Dao Duc, Manu S. Madhav
NeurIPS 2022 Workshop on Symmetry and Geometry in Neural Representations
Hippocampal place cells can encode spatial locations of an animal in physical or task-relevant spaces. We simulated place cell populations that encoded either Euclidean- or graph-based positions of a rat navigating to goal nodes in a maze with a graph topology, and used manifold learning methods such as UMAP and Autoencoders (AE) to analyze these neural population activities. The structure of the latent spaces learned by the AE reflects their true geometric structure, while PCA fails to do so and UMAP is less robust to noise. Our results support future applications of AE architectures to decipher the geometry of spatial encoding in the brain.
Wide-Angle, Monocular Head Tracking Using Passive Markers
Vagvolgyi, Balazs P., Ravikrishnan P. Jayakumar, Manu S. Madhav, James J. Knierim, and Noah J. Cowan
Journal of Neuroscience Methods
Camera images can encode large amounts of visual information of an animal and its environment, enabling high fidelity 3D reconstruction of the animal and its environment using computer vision methods. Most systems, both markerless (e.g. deep learning based) and marker-based, require multiple cameras to track features across multiple points of view to enable such 3D reconstruction. However, such systems can be expensive and are challenging to set up in small animal research apparatuses.
The Dome: A Virtual Reality Apparatus For Freely Locomoting Rodents
Madhav, Manu S., Ravikrishnan P. Jayakumar, Shahin G. Lashkari, Francesco Savelli, Hugh T. Blair, James J. Knierim, and Noah J. Cowan
Journal of Neuroscience Methods
The cognitive map in the hippocampal formation of rodents and other mammals integrates multiple classes of sensory and motor information into a coherent representation of space. Here, we describe the Dome, a virtual reality apparatus for freely locomoting rats, designed to examine the relative contributions of various spatial inputs to an animal’s spatial representation. The Dome was designed to preserve the range of spatial inputs typically available to an animal in free, untethered locomotion while providing the ability to perturb specific sensory cues. We present the design rationale and corresponding specifications of the Dome, along with a variety of engineering and biological analyses to validate the efficacy of the Dome as an experimental tool to examine the interaction between visual information and path integration in place cells in rodents.
The Synergy Between Neuroscience And Control Theory: The Nervous System As Inspiration For Hard Control Challenges
Madhav, Manu S., and Noah J. Cowan
Annual Review of Control, Robotics, and Autonomous Systems 3
Here, we review the role of control theory in modeling neural control systems through a top-down analysis approach. Specifically, we examine the role of the brain and central nervous system as the controller in the organism, connected to but isolated from the rest of the animal through insulated interfaces. Though biological and engineering control systems operate on similar principles, they differ in several critical features, which makes drawing inspiration from biology for engineering controllers challenging but worthwhile.
Recalibration Of Path Integration In Hippocampal Place Cells
Jayakumar, Ravikrishnan P., Manu S. Madhav, Francesco Savelli, Hugh T. Blair, Noah J. Cowan, and James J. Knierim
Hippocampal place cells are spatially tuned neurons that serve as elements of a ‘cognitive map’ in the mammalian brain. To detect the animal’s location, place cells are thought to rely upon two interacting mechanisms: sensing the position of the animal relative to familiar landmarks and measuring the distance and direction that the animal has travelled from previously occupied locations. The latter mechanism—known as path integration—requires a finely tuned gain factor that relates the animal’s self-movement to the updating of position on the internal cognitive map, as well as external landmarks to correct the positional error that accumulates.